Monday, August 29, 2011

Library iPad Program!

The Ravenscroft Libraries strive to develop students as self-directed learners, complex thinkers, quality producers, collaborative workers, and community contributors. Our iPads will help us achieve this mission, through independent reading, research and group projects using the Apple iPad 2.
For our pilot program in Fall of 2011, iPads may be checked out during normal hours (Monday- Thursday 7:45-4:30 and Friday 7:45-3:45) from the main circulation desk in the Middle/Upper School library. We have set the loan period at 24 hours for faculty and staff, and one class period, common period, lunch, or afterschool session for 6-12th grade students with a requirement that devices be turned in no later than 4:20 PM each day. For student check out, the iPad must stay in the library.
For other policies, see this link, and watch for details about iPads in Winston Library later this year.